How to Stop Bedwetting - One Stop Bedwetting


 One of the most common questions for parents with a bedwetting child is – How to Stop Bedwetting? Parents are usually upset and blame themselves for not knowing how to correct the situation and not able to get the solution for how to stop bedwetting. Bedwetting in children or teens isn’t caused by drinking too much liquid before they go to the bed and it’s not because the child is too lazy to get out of bed to go to the bathroom. Parents need to have patience and know that children do not wet the bed on purpose, or to irritate their parents. In reality, children do not stop wetting the bed at a certain age. In fact, it is possible that your child will stop wetting the bed suddenly as it may be done gradually over a period of a few months with occasional nighttime accidents.

Although many children stop wetting the bed by the age of five and it is more common in boys than in girls. Controlling urine during sleep is usually the last stage of potty-training. It is normal for children to wet the bed while sleeping during that learning process. Bedwetting only becomes a problem when they pass the age when they should have learned to control their bladder function during sleep. In addition, if both parents wet the bed when they were young, the risk of their child experiencing the same problem is 80%.

There are many factors that contribute to bedwetting. Most often, it results from the incomplete development of the bladder and neurological connections between the bladder and the brain that allow its control. It is not uncommon for children who sleep very deeply to fail to recognize or feel that their bladder is full at night, which is why they do not wake up to go to the bathroom. In addition, your child’s bladder may not be large enough to contain all the urine they produce during the night.

Chronic constipation, which may be the cause for enuresis that push on the bladder and thus reducing its size, must also be considered. It is therefore important to treat constipation if your child has this problem. If there is pain during urination and increased incidence of nocturnal or diurnal incidents, it is important to consult your pediatrician to perform tests that will identify problems such as urinary tract infection.

When you are looking for the tips to find the solution for how to stop bedwetting you must remember stress can aggravate bedwetting. The older the child, the more likely that stress is the cause of secondary bed wetting. That’s why it’s important to bond with your child and make him feel that he is not alone who has this problem to reduce the stress of bedwetting.

Consider the following to stop bedwetting:

Let your child know that he is not responsible for his bedwetting and will this will eventually disappear.Support and encourage your child and talk to him/her about it.

Buy a bedwetting alarm. They work on behavior modification. When a child wets the bed, the alarm makes alert sound and the child wakes up. The regular use of alarm can stop bedwetting in children and teens in just few weeks. There are wearable bedwetting alarm and bedside bedwetting alarms. You can choose according to your child’s comfort level.


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